Saturday, October 15, 2011

DOUG SHOOP: Minnesota nature photography

I stumbled across this website which details the beauty of nature.
Some fantastic shots of remote areas of extreme Northeast Minnesota that few people visit.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Nice -- I haven't been "up north" in a long time. haha. Minne-snow-da. We just finished "Indian Summer" -- a term first used in the book "Letters from an American Farmer" from the 1760s. So I'm putting up the window plastic to get ready for the winter fun.

    We just had a big flock of juncos arrive and according to the Minnesota ornithological union listserve I'm on -- that means winter is on the way! Only a minor frost a few weeks ago was just a false alarm.

    There was a big foot sighting this summer just 5 miles south of us -- another blurry image in the woods. At first I thought maybe it was me since I'm always in the woods everyday and I'm unkempt. This dude analyzing it is presumptious to say the least -- first the reasonable alternatives should be ruled out.

    The last bigfoot minnesota photo was just a deer camera catching a rainjacket of a hunter -- but if you looked at it gestalt reverse style it was bigfoot. haha.
