Saturday, September 10, 2011


We ran this story a couple of days ago on the newsblog. The general opinion around the CFZ Office is that it is a moggy. What do you think?


  1. My guess is that this is just a big domestic moggy; the statement from the "big cat expert" is a masterpiece of obfuscatory misdirection, too. Holkham is heavily keepered, though and has no less than a team of gamekeepers, not just one bloke and a lad. The place is in Norfolk, so gets hit by poachers, so I'll bet good money that those keepers will be out on a night with NV kit looking for trouble.

    If there is a big cat on the Holkham estate, the keepers will know of it (and might even have tried to shoot it) and if asked nicely, might say what they know.

    They will also be acutely aware of the damage feral cats tend to do to bird populations, so if that moggy does live on or near the estate, the keepers will know of it, know whose it is and be under orders not to kill it as long as it is a bona fide domestic cat. If it ain't, it won't be seen again.

  2. Very much a moggy judging by the tail.
