Friday, September 02, 2011

MAX BLAKE: Swarming ants

I was reading the local paper and came across this note about a major story printed 50 years ago (1.09.1961):

'Residents of parts of Blagdon were shocked on Sunday to be suddenly infested by a plague of large flying ants.

The ants became thicker in the afternoon, when, for a time, even the strong sun was obscured. Householders who had been outside rushed indoors and fastened windows and doors. One resident described the scene as 'terrific'. Nothing like this had been seen in the village before.'

Just another instance of swarming insects!


This seems appropriate:

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1 comment:

  1. i have witnessed this personally several times in jakarta indonesia about 27 years ago.
    i remember this happening during the hot nights of the dry season, when the moon was very large and low on the horizon with an orange-red tint.
    the garage was full of huge flying ants, males specifically, filling the air.
    they would then lose their wings and cover the fall completely.
    i guess it was part of the reproductive process and there must have been a large nest somewhere close to the house.
    i remember it being the funnest and neatest thing to witness and "take part in".
