Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I found the following story on the Paranormal and Ghost Society Group site by way of Google Groups:

HAIRY BEAST Location/Date: Hong Kong, China-March 1955- evening

Doors were barred in Hong Kong as the police searched for a hairy beast, said by terrified residents to be a shaggy animal over 6ft tall. One man, a village gardener named Law Chiu had fought it and lived. The thing attacked him about 50 yards from the family temple. It was covered with long shaggy grey hair. It stood upright when it came at him. He punched it in the stomach but the creature fell on him and they grappled for some time. The creature then went away, loping on all fours. Some time after that a woman saw a strange animal galloping past her vegetable garden on four legs, and as proof she exhibited large triangular footprints in the soft earth. They were unlike those made by man or ape.(1)

1. http://groups.google.com/group/paranormalghostsociety/browse_thread/thread/29b27fac08c4ae8/879a4ab2c8ed2eb8?q=hairy+beast+Hong+Kong

P.S The source for the story is given as The Saucerian Review January 1956 which is on sale on ebay for c. £60. Does anyone have a copy themselves to see if there is any more information? I have found no further information on the Web. But I don`t intend to give further research too easily.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    This sounds very much like the same type of South-Chinese "Wild Man" of which the hands and feet were saved on one occasion, and which was thought to be an outsized stump-tailed macaque monkey. The triangular footprints would also indicate a macaque because apes and humans would have a broader heel than a monkey would.

    Best Wishes, Dale D.
