Sunday, July 10, 2011

GLEN VAUDREY: Trail Cameras for Sumatra Part 9

Last week our very successful trail cam funding campaign came to an end and what a great success it has been.

Many thanks to all those people who donated we couldn’t have done it without you. Nor could we have done so well without a very generous discount from the good folk at Bushnell. Together they have enabled the CFZ to purchase four brand new trail cams for our upcoming expedition.

As you can see from the photo of Trevor the trail cam, he is glad to meet up with a couple of boys before they head off to the jungle.

However before the cameras head off to Sumatra with the aim of capturing the elusive orang pendek on film, they are out having a couple of days out in the British countryside being field tested. The results so far have been very promising.

It might not be a big cat but next doors feline who we shall call Blue, happily demonstrates the cameras in action.


  1. Are these images stills or film ? Experience I've had with trail cam's suggests you need the one's which run smoothly, in colour, when something triggers it, rather than those which just take a pic every few minutes. The high quality ones are about £250

  2. The image of Blue is a still, the sweet little moggy just happened to walk in front of the camera setting it off. Had she done it during the day we would have had a nice colour snap of her. This picture however was taken in the dead of night using the wonder of infra red. If I had chosen to use the video setting on the camera then we could have watched her walk in front of the camera.

    You are not far wrong with the price. Believe me these are great top of the range cameras, I would go as far as to say they are all singing and all dancing.
