Wednesday, June 15, 2011

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1902 George Gaylord Simpson was born. I had a teacher with the name 'Gaylord' at school and they insisted that the name is actually pronounced 'Gah-laird' so you've learnt something today, haven't you? Assuming that 'Bucket' is pronounced 'Bouquet' of course.... Anyway GGS isn't today's 'on this day' because of his name, rather that he is the palaeontologist that dispelled the myth that the evolution of the horse was a linear process, a myth that is still perpetuated by newspapers and the terminally stupid.
And now the news, expertly compiled by Gavin Wilson:

Cops' 'big cat' plea after Edderton slaying
Reality TV goes in search of the skunk ape
New bee discovered with largest tongue in world

If you only remember the Bee Gees from their slightly naff disco harmonies then you might want to watch this clip and see just how good they could be when they were a Mersey-beat-style band:

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