Tuesday, May 10, 2011

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today


On this day in 1812 Spencer Perceval was assassinated.
And now the news:

Thylacine lives up to its tiger moniker
What Exactly Was The Australian Thylacine?
Discovery special reexamines Bigfoot
Intense interest surrounds dog who may have partic...
Catbeast ‘ is like a lynx’ - new sighting by dog w...

It wasn't a bad bit of kit shame it didn't have any games:

1 comment:

  1. I'm kind of shocked at the media coverage on the study on the thylacine's hunting behavior.

    I mean anyone who has examined the literature on the species knows that it was pretty much an ambush predator that stayed in the dense forested areas. I even remember reading-- as early as ten years ago-- that the thylacine behaved more like a clouded leopard than a dingo.

    This isn't big news at all.

    It doesn't mean that there is no convergent evolution involved. The main part that is convergent is the skull shape. Thylacines and many species of Canidae have almost exactly the same head. Yes. That's convergent evolution. It is a straw man argument to say that the thylacine and the dogs aren't examples of convergent evolution because they didn't behave exactly alike.

    No one says that all. Convergent evolution is merely the evolution of very similar adaptation in unrelated taxa that generally have the same purpose.

    For example koalas have fingerprints that are similar to those of primates, but I don't think anyone calls a koala a marsupial monkey. But the convergence clearly is there.
