Thursday, May 05, 2011


"Fortean authors are a rare and vanishing breed. They often write about a wide range of peculiar and arcane subjects, and in 2010 Fortean Words started a series of books anthologising those writers we believe to be the most important Forteans writing today. Each of the authors we chose didn't let us down; the books which they presented us contain a rich and heavy brew and are often not for the faint hearted. But who said anything in life was going to be easy, eh? Enter at your peril, but when you do - - enjoy!"

Jonathan Downes, March 2010

PART ONE: Cryptozoology & Evolution
PART TWO: Forteana
PART THREE: Shamanism and Esoteric Christianity
INTERLUDE ONE: It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry
PART FOUR: Alternative History
PART FIVE: Speculative Archaeology
PART SIX: UFOs, Rock`n`Roll, and more Leys
INTERLUDE TWO: Peter McMahon - Ley Tramp
PART SEVEN: Folklife
PART EIGHT: Urban Myths and Media Monitoring
INTERLUDE THREE: Folklorists & Forteans - Friends or Foes
Last Words

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1 comment:

  1. That's quite possibly one of the best book titles ever!
