Monday, April 18, 2011


I know that this piece is off-topic, but Harriet writes so remarkably for a young lady of her age, that I want to share her writings with you.

You know, there’s a girl that I’ve made friends with at my school. She’s absolutely lovely, though I won’t put her name down here. Instead, let’s call her… Mandy. So ‘Mandy’ is a great friend and I’d do anything for her.


There’s another girl at my school who is very, very mean. Let’s call her Carmen. So ‘Carmen’ is really mean to ‘Mandy’. Why? ‘Mandy’ and I reckon that she’s jealous of my friend’s ability to draw amazingly. However, ‘Carmen’ just doesn’t give up! In fact, I saw her at the park yesterday. *shiver*. The moment I walked past, she and her cronies began sniggering and whispering something. Not to be paranoid, but I’m sure it was about me. Who cares, though? I don’t give a monkey’s what she says. So here’s a little something dedicated to that very person…

You think it’s cool
To snigger and stare
But do you know the meaning
Of good friend?
You were friends with her once
She was happy
And so were you, too.
One thing I have to ask is
What went wrong between the two of you?
She’s suffered harsh insults,
False accusations
From nearly everybody
Did you start this?
Or did they already hate her?
But all good things must evidently come to an end
As you have so kindly demonstrated
The rose withers
As its blood red petals fall
The rose is named ‘your friendship’
So tell me, what went wrong?


  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Awesome. I would like, in response, to recommend an excellent animal documentary. It is truly beautiful.

  2. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I like writing :D

  3. Anonymous6:51 PM

    P.s This is Harriet
