Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Well, after an eye test and a long period of waiting, they’re finally here. My glasses! Here is a picture of them that I did on the computer:
It’s not that good, but they’re glasses, and that’s what counts. The reason I need them is because I’m a bit more short-sighted in one eye than the other, and it was making it hard for me to see. So Mum and I popped down to our local Tesco, got my eye test done, and voila! Glasses needed.

I’ll upload a picture of me with them on soon. For the moment, however, you guys will just have to put up with the drawing. Love Harriet!

1 comment:

  1. Glasses are great, I use mine to fool people into thinking I'm inteligent and take them off to make a point ala Robin Day (who you're probably too young to remember, I know I am).
