Monday, March 28, 2011


The long awaited new edition of Tony "Doc" Shiels' classic account of monstrous goings on in the late 1970s. Whether you actually believe that the man is capable of raising monsters from the vasty deep (he is) or whether you believe he is a total humbug (he is) or whether you merely believe that he is an extraordinary person who can, has, and still does do extraordinary things (he has/can/does) this book is for you. The ex-Wizard of the Western World (he renounced the title some years ago) is an old man now and lives in the west of Ireland, but he is still an extraordinary fellow, and I am proud to call him a dear friend.

Click here to buy on Amazon


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Hurrah! And there was joy and celebration throughout the land =-)

  2. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Nice cover. Is this edition a straight reprint, or have you tipped any new bits and pieces into the pot?
