Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Hello all,

I was hoping to get some educated opinions about this mysterious object. The gentleman who sent these photos to me insists that it is a skull from an unidentified animal, and that he also is is possession of a few of its teeth. It appears to have small horns and is lacking eye sockets. In my opinion it resembles a vertebrae, although anatomy is definitely not my strong suit. He is seeking to have it scientifically analyzed. Any thoughts or opinions on the object would be most appreciated!

Always the very best,



  1. It looks like one of the various bits of me that have fallen off.

  2. Ooops - wrong google acoount...
    I think it is part of the skull of an antilope - just the part around the base of the horn. Antelopes have small bony cores at the botton of the horns. Perhaps a duiker or something like that.

    Lars Thomas
