Tuesday, January 11, 2011

BLOWING Ojavascript:void(0)UR OWN TRUMPET

Somewhere in the last few days whilst the Core CFZ Team here at Myrtle Cottage were spluttering around in a sea of phlegm and bad attitude, the hit counter on the blog passed the 1.5 Million mark!

I would like to say that I am feeling quietly pleased with this result, but in reality I would be rushing around the house shoutinmg `HUZZAH!` if I didn't still feel so bloody ill.

So here is a picture of a prawn playing a saxophone, instead!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I suppose that this may not be the right place to put this, but never mind, here goes.

    Do Not believe hit counters. The hit counter you're relying upon uses cookies to keep track of unique hits on the page. This only works if the remote user tolerates cookies being retained on their PC; Firefox Private Browsing prevents this, as does the somewhat paranoid "Delete Cookies On Exit" option; it is also possible that some add-ons or firewalls or even DNS hacks prevent the statcounter working.

    The same person looking at the page multiple times will screw the results up. RSS feed readers which do not handle cookies correctly will screw the results up. Paranoid Internet Explorer users (Are there any other sort of IE users? Given how buggy and vulnerable IE is, there shouldn't be) with high security settings will screw the results.

    Do not believe hit counters.

    So, the stat counter is only ever going to be an indication of hits on the page
