Tuesday, December 07, 2010


This story was posted on the Paranormal Buffalo email group, and is re-posted courtesy of Rick:

Weird Creature at the Fence
This happened only a few weeks ago in a town about an hour from mine. I was visiting a friend of mine. Now, my friend lives in the not-so-nice part of the city where there's a lot of crime. The reason I explain all this is because it makes this particular incident all the more strange.

It was around 4 p.m. and still light out when my friend decided to let the dog out. I went outside with them and waited as my friend's dog, a German shepherd named Annakin, did his business. My friend and I were standing on the back deck, and Annakin was down in the tiny backyard in the grass. Each house had a very small backyard and was closed off by high wooden fences. There was a narrow alley between each fence at the very backs of the yards that bordered the backs of the houses across from us.

As we waited there, we heard loud panting coming from the little alleyway. It was easy to discern that the panting was coming from a rather large creature. Annakin lifted his head and perked his ears in alarm. The creature suddenly raced through the alley way, making the entire fence-line shake, and we could hear the loud, heavy panting the whole way down the road.

We caught a quick glimpse of it as it passed a break in the fence. All we saw, though, was an enormous, gray, furry blur. And Annakin had leapt up onto the deck in what seemed like fright and cowered behind our legs. My friend and I both said, "What the hell was that?!"

Of course, my first instinct was it was a dog, but what kind of big dog would make all the fences on the block shake like an earthquake hit? And that panting noise was so loud and odd-sounding... almost as if a human was pretending to be a dog and pant. Why would such a large creature be in the middle of the ghetto? And why was Annakin, a fearless German shepherd, seemingly terrified of it? Weird!

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