Friday, December 31, 2010


I have done some stupid things in my life, but sitting in my study - with sweat dripping off me, as I cough my guts out and pray for a swift and merciful release - whilst trying to take close-up pictures of the ears of an uncooperative bulldog bitch (and believe me, the word 'bitch` is quite intentiional) is one of the stupidist.

I have kept dogs since I was 25, but they have all been basically collies, or collie crosses, and to the best of my recollection they had ordinary doggy ears.

Prudence, however, has ears like a cat, with a slit down the side. Pru, btw, is featured in the top picture, Spider (aka Orange Cat) in the bottom one.

I am not for one moment claiming that this
is a momentous discovery on my part, but I wonder whether anyone in bloggoland (and my best bets would be Karl, Scottie, or Darren, with a stupid answer froim Davey C) can answer the following questions.

1. Do all bulldogs have ears like this?
2. Why?
3. What other breeds have them?
4. What is their purpose?
5. How long does swine flu take to go away?

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