Wednesday, October 13, 2010

GLEN VAUDREY: Gary Cunningham on the radio


I don't know if you knew this but there is a interview with Gary Cunningham on RTE radio. It was broadcast on 8 Oct and is available till the end of the week as a pod cast. He talks about the mysterious animals of Ireland.

I you do manage to put the link on the blog can you credit the discovery of the interview to Benjamin Neesham

the show was

RTÉ - Mooney

Cryptozoology 08 October 2010 13:00Gary Cunningham talks about mysterious creatures lurking beneath our lakes...

I have no idea how to get a link to it but it is worth a listen if you get a chance

all the best


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting about the show.
    The link to it is here
