Thursday, October 28, 2010


As you all know, there is a doggie-shaped hole in our lives at the moment. Corinna and I are beginning to look around in search of the canid who shall become the CFZ Dog Mk4, and several things are becoming apparent. Firstly, all the animal shelters are full of animals of the same three breeds: border collies, Jack Russells and Staffies. And secondly, there is a serious dearth of mongrels. Now I, along with Dr Dolittle, have always rather preferred mongrels, thinking that they are generally more grounded and less highly strung than thoroughbreds.

In the last thirty years (and you must remember that the last time I went actively looking for a new dog was 1985 because Tessie just arrived one day and Corinna found Biggles) things have changed. Quite rightly, owners are encouraged to neuter their animals, but this means that birth control amongst the canid community is now pretty good. The only litters born are ones that have been planned, often for financial reasons, and therefore if Dr Dolittle were to start his Home For Crossbred Dogs today, it would probably remain empty!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I hope not.

    Crossbreeds are easier to find than mongrels, because people generally don't breed from them or allow them to remain intact.

    Lurchers are all crossbreeds or mongrels of some sort.

    And most Jack Russells are, too. It's only the ones that are long-legged and KC registered that are purebred. And those are nothing more than the original white fox terrier without the long muzzle we see in the modern wire and smooth fox terriers.
