Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Owen from Fortean Times sent us this link to a photograph, which is claimed to be of a yeti. It was taken in Tibet....


  1. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Interesting. The face is rather compelling but the body seems to merge with the rock face optically. And the colours are all of a salad.

    From the head and face alone I would want to say this is something important and very welcome support of my stance on the subject; but then I look at the body lower down and it is sadly unconvincing to me. So basically I am not very positive about this being a real image of a live mountain-dwelling ape, although I certainly would LIKE to be able to say so.

  2. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Firstly, I'd quite like to see the original image file; NOT a copy as that one is, but the actual file as it came off the camera. The reason here is so I can see what camera took the photo, what the settings were and so on.

    Secondly, I am profoundly unconvinced by the image presented here. The rock face looks to have a fault-line running down the middle of it, with a cave mouth in the middle of this. There's marks of a stream of water coming (or sometimes flowing) from the cave, so obviously there's a cave of some sort there.

    So, knowing that there's a void of some sort in the hillside there, when I see a ragged tall thin dark shape, I am inclined by Occam's Razor to think "Cave mouth" and not "Unknown large ape".

  3. I agree with the previous comments.I wish I were wrong,and whilst I agree the photo merits further,more comprhensive analysis, my initial impression is that of a cave mouth.My view in no way though,should be taken as a critiscism of the person who took the photo,I welcome all field research on the subject, and would encourage a return to inspect the cave again.

  4. Hi everyone. I'm the photographer so I'm taking the opportunity to address the comments.

    1st @ Dr Holdsworth. There was an upload limit for file size on th website. The original photo is approx 3.3MB size. You can email me for the original at The camera settings are also listed in the current Forum, 'Size of the subject'. Your views on water run-off are interesting. I guess that would account for the paths, though these paths would also allow access
    to the cave and to be standing in that position.

  5. I would like to stress, by the way, that the headline was an excuse for me to use a stupid pun that I have had floating around for years, rather than a comment on the piucture..

  6. The yeti is supposed to walk errect rather than on all fours. Though if this is a yeti, it may be crouching.
    Even if this is just a trick of the light i'd like to thank Jon Jacobs for comming forward with it. Someday, someone will get the evidence we are call waiting for.
    Fingers crossed for India!

  7. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Err, no. Its just a rock.

  8. @ Richard Freeman - I never said it was a 'Yeti' ;-) That headline comes from the Fortean Times boys.

    @ Bilbo - wow such certainty! Is that you in the photo as you seem to know the area intimately!
