Friday, September 03, 2010


I was having an afternoon nap yesterday when Lizwiz telephoned. Apparently, she said (all apologetic about having woken me up), the YouTube links for a number of the Bloggoposts from last week had disappeared. These included Kara's birthday and most of the Sunday talks from WW2010, including my keynote speech. I have no idea what happened and have replaced them, but it is somewhat disturbing to find that whole swathes of bloggythings can disappear in such a cavalier manner. Any ideas?


  1. I am never surprised by such things as I never expect technology to work for me anyway. I normally say in such circumstances that there has been a glitch in the system, which covers a multitude but doesn't mean anything.

  2. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I blame the Russians. As you know several have stayed at my house over the years and they always look like they are up to no good. Especially around the fridge at midnight!

  3. Try re-booting the fergulator with the woz indicator set at zero. Then crank up the brumble drive whilst simultaneously gurning at the Mark II gravitron. After six minutes and forty-two seconds precisely, submerge the sproon enhancer in a bucket of WizzoKleen and switch the power back on. It works for me.
