Tuesday, September 07, 2010

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today


On this day in 1966 the science fiction series Star Trek was first broadcast. Star Trek is often cited on Richard Freeman's Wikipedia page as his favourite TV show.
And now, the news:

A penguin species faces extinction
Researchers say 21 pct of freshwater species in no...
Inbred bumblebees 'face extinction threat' (via Da...
Man gored to death in bull run
Wild boars must be contained or declared an invasi...

Now here's a universal truth for you: somewhere in your house you will have an Asterix book in a language you do not speak. No-one knows where they appear from and when asked everyone will deny knowledge of how it came to be there and indeed of ever even visited the country from which the moon-speak originates from. Perhaps they breed, or spontaneously generate like Crosse's Acari are said to have, maybe they are left by a half-0crazed, secretive and doddery old maiden aunt who secretively breaks into peoples houses at night in her search for her long dead Flemish/French/German/Welsh/Swahili-speaking nephew and leaves upon confirming it is the wrong house but always forgetting the Asterix book she had brought for the boy to read. It's worth thinking about that... (if on the other hand you are one of the 10 or so people in the country not to own an anomalous Asterix book, you might want to leave a bottle of gin and a plate of custard creams out for the old dear as it may be tonight that you receive a visit).

Oh, if you're wondering why I'm mentioning this and what links Asterix to today's news stories, he had a fondness for wild boar, as not shown in the following clip:


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