Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This cutting from the Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 19 July 1932, Page 7 can be accessed at the link below....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Interesting that there is one type called Mawas, that it is a "Different kind of Orangutan" and it is presumably the same as the Mawas of Malaysia. It seems somewhat larger than a standard orangutan, ie, the height of a human being.
    I do not know if more than one name given to creatures in the Orang Pendek (Pygmy) size range is significant to mean more than one type. It is pretty certain that the rice-planters are just different tribes of ordinary human beings: it is even possible that the pygmy swineherds might be also (with their diminuitive stature exaggerated)

    Unfortunately the edge of the article is cut off toward the bottom and we do not know how many metres high the Raksaksa giants are supposed to be. It is also by no means clear if by giants we mean giant orangutans, Sasquatches or giant hairy humans: and there is an ambiguous blending of the humansized and humanlike reports in Malaysia with the giant ogre stories (the alleged Bigfoot equivalent there)
