Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The question of how I support myself and my wife has risen once again. I have answered this elsewhere (not that it is any business of anyone apart from me and those jolly nice fellows at the Inland Revenue). However, for those who have not seen my keynote speech at the Weird Weekend:

I have an occupational pension from my days as a nurse for the mentally handicapped, I have a small but adequate private income partly inherited from my father, and I am in receipt of two non-means tested disability benefits which allow me to do small amounts of paid work occasionally. I fill in my tax returns like a model citizen (actually Graham does them for me because I find the whole thing unutterably complicated) and although it would be nice to have more money than I have, we do have enough for our relatively modest (especially since I quit smoking 20+ fags a day) needs.


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Not forgetting the rent you charge to those two alien grays that live in your garden shed. 20 Zogdonian plobgrots they told me they are paying you. I told them they could come and live with me for 15 but we dont sell shandy in Seaham on Sea so that put them off a bit.

  2. and I always thought it was with your legs and occasionally your cane?

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    And not to mention the "donations" you get. I wonder if the inland revenue know about those?? However you dont add posts like this to the blog do you.....

  4. We are talking about my personal income. I don't get any "donations". All CFZ income will be declared in our accounts.
