Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Richard Freeman sent this, commenting that it looks like a huge eel or python. The YouTube blurb reads: 'This video is provided by Liupanshui TV,showing a lake monster spotted in Zangkejiang River flowing through Liupanshui,a small city located in the southwest of China.Rumors say the monster sank a cargo ship,leaving a crewman dead. A witness estimates the monster is about 8-meter long.

It looks like a giant python,dosen`t it?'

I don't know about sinking cargo ships but it is certainly an interesting piece of film and more convincing than many of its type.


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    As usual I can't see a blessed thing. But if it actually looks like a giant python and not a wave in the water, the easiest solution would be that it's a giant eel.

  2. It looks like a python to me - undulating laterally in very sinuous curves (that probably only a snake could manage among vertebrates) and keeping its head/body at the surface of the water, indicating it breathes air.

    Doesn't look outside of the known size range of the bigger pythons (Burmese, Reticulated etc).

  3. I know of a report of a giant python in the Pokfulam area of Hong Kong island in the 1960s so I guess it`s possible from elsewhere in China

  4. Confucius he say Fluctus navis.

  5. There doesn't seem to be any indication that this creature is 8 meters long. More like 8 feet at best. Judging the size of an object by zooming in on it from a distance is an awful way to determine scale, the lens flattens out depth and makes the foreground and background appear to be on much closer planes. In his case a good way of judging scale would be to look at the waves on the surface of the water. At the end of the close up the camera zooms out and the boat is passing through ripples that seem to be maybe a meter apart. Going back and watching the section from the zoom out, you can kind of follow those lines and it seems the creature well contained within 2 or maybe 3 ripples, putting it at around 6 to 9 feet in length.

    I wouldn't rule out 2 large fish thrashing at the surface, maybe some kind of mating or territorial dispute, that would explain the serpentine like motion.

  6. Looks like a giant eel, or a large snake such as a python. Small in diameter, I don't think this would wreck a boat.
