Monday, September 06, 2010

CARL PORTMAN: Challenge to Corinna


This is the very poorest of a set of photographs I have of a bird growing in several stages of development. You are a ‘bird expert’ so I am going to see how long before you identify it. So, give it your first punt...

Only ONE guess each time...


Dear Carl,

As I sit here stroking my chin looking at the photo, with a look of intent concentration etched across my face, methinks this could be a tricky one. Another slurp from my coffee mug and I would have to ask, however - from a scientific point of view you understand - what is the box behind the bird (for scaling purposes) and was this photo taken chez vous or at a ‘bird kindergarten’ in a zoo?

Two quite important questions perhaps, but even if those questions were answered it would probably still leave that furrowed look upon my brow for I have to admit that I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what sort of bird this little creature would grow up to be once it donned a suitable set of feathers and proper wings. But for the record, I don’t reckon it is a wren.

One guess a day eh? You are a hard taskmaster...erm, uhm, a bird born without down...hmm guess for today is...a jay. I am right aren’t I! I get a badge for extreme cleverness don’t I?

love as always


1 comment:

  1. It is very clearly a young phoenix. You can see the blackened ground around it from the burning. The blue thing in the background is probably some kind of fancy thermometer ensuring that the temperature of the bonfire was up to standard.

    - or maybe it's a jay.

    Lars Thomas
