Sunday, August 15, 2010


It was an overcast and miserable day when I approached the great community hall of Woolsery. The programme looked exciting and I was overcome with great excitement at hearing the likes of such luminaries in the world of Forteana as Richard Freeman, Ronan Coghlan and especially Jonathan Downes. The day started with a short introduction to cryptozoology by Mr Downes and Mr Freeman. Rather than answer the question themselves, they elected to find an answer from the audience – and got the right one - everyone was pleased! This was followed by an outstanding talk by young 'zoologist' Max Blake on species that are known from one specimen. He went through worm-amphibians, sea hedgehogs, birds, wallabies and peccaries. The technical content was extensive and I took many notes.

Loads of other stuff happened. I had a great time. The bar was excellent. I fell over.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    You "Fell Over?"

    Ah! but did you find your way to the back alley and lie down in the gutter, cheering the lives of passers-by and cracking jokes to the police officers who admonished you to go find yourself a proper bed for the night?
    Of such experiences are fond remembraces made. That was the same back alley, by the way, that some young bloke knifed me on some other occasion and I was forced into retaliation. I never did know if the oaf ever recovered again from that fight. That was The Ghetto back then in the 1970s. You had to be there, Like 'Nam.

