Tuesday, August 03, 2010

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today


On this day in 1892 the bodies of her parents were ‘discovered’ by Lizzie Borden.
And now, the news:

Scientists find 'oldest' dog remains
UK's Biggest Wasps' Nest Found In Pub Roof
Shark Video: There's Some Fin On The Beach
Pair to swim 500km with pet ducks
Beat stress by spending time with your dog
Monkey adopts toad

The nature of The Monkees was irrepressible…

1 comment:

  1. For some reason the hyperlink was removed from the word Monkees, without which the pun doesn't work and it looks like a random typo repetition of yesterday's pun. Originally when I saved it there was a link to 'last train to Clarkesville' but this seems not to have saved correctly. Oh well, sorry about that folks, hope it didn't ruin your day.

    (not that anyone reads my ramblings anyway... not one person questioning the fact concerning Michael Jackson's Captain Beaky fandom I mentioned the other day? maybe I just have an honest face)
