Thursday, July 08, 2010


Most of you will, I am sure, have seen the (very) faked picture of an Iraqui camel spider which did the rounds of what I refuse to call `teh internets` back just after the Iraq war. The interesting thing is how many people believe it. My brother, for example, (an Army Chaplain with the serving rank of Major) gave his son Christopher one that had been set in a block of resin for a Christmas present, and completely believed how big they got.

Now they are making it to the big screen. `Rich` (not Richie West, but a dude from Tulsa) wrote to the bloggo yesterday:

"I'm not sure how to e-mail CFZ's blogging: I wante... I'm not sure how to e-mail CFZ's blogging: I wanted to pass the word about something interesting I found out about."

and he attached this link

My life is complete. A war/horror movie set in Iraq, and featuring huge camel spiders. Like I said in the heading, it doesn't get much better than this...

1 comment:

  1. This is a real picture in fact. It is not a picture of 1 camel spider, but in fact 2 camel spiders. If you look closely you can see the one on the bottom is biting the one on the top in the rear of its body. Also the camera is playing a optical illusion on the size of them making them look bigger than they really are. You see the first soldiers legs and feet in the background and you base size on this. If you look to the right you can see the sleeve of the other soldier that is holding them up a lot closer to the camera than what it appears to be. NOT FAKE...REAL PICTURE!!!!! CHECK YOUR FACTS!!!
