Sunday, June 13, 2010

STEVE CUMMINS: Banham Zoo review

In last month's (?) On The Track Jon asked for zoo reviews. As we visted Banham Zoo while on holiday here's a quick review (was gonna get Joyce to write it but her computer knacked up and is only now nearing being fixed).

Seems well thought out as the majority of the small zoo was easily accessable by wheel chair (not having to walk stops J getting tired out, so she can enjoy the day) including the walkway that's near the head hight of the giraffes. Only tight spot was in the fake cave that leads to a display about CITES. Not sure about animal welfare because I don't know what to look for. The smaller cats enclosures seemed a tad small. And that led to me be a bit concerned at seeing the male Ocelot pacing back and forward around. J suggested it could be due to not being allowed in with the female and being fed up at not being allowed to mate yet. Seems to make sense, as I've seen domestic moggies behave exactly the same.

J now knows what a Pudu looks like in real life (she'd only come across them in a zoo game here on FB) Loved the pigmy marmosets, and the red pandas.

Seemed like fairly standard info boards for each animal, covering range, habitat, diet, conservation status etc. Too much for me to it all in, but I've got the guide book (which is largely the same info+picture) and I've have a re-read through it to help it all go in.

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