Saturday, May 15, 2010


These were sent to me with absolutely no explanation except the caption `Five headed snake in Bangalore`. Anyone know where they came from?

1 comment:

  1. If these pictures are fakes - and its impossible to say with absolute certainty without examining the originals - then I know of certain specialist software programmes that could have been used to do it, as I use them on a daily basis as part of my business.

    There are a few things about the pictures which make me suspicious. For instance, the texture of the skin on some of the heads is identical; something that I would imagine wouldn't occur in real life. By deft use of cloning, warping and texturing tools it would be relatively easy to produce something like this.

    Who sent it, and why? Probably it was mailed by someone who either wants to kick-start a cryptozoological mystery and thinks these pics are good enough to do just that (which they aren't, in my opinion)or by someone whose been given them, genuinely thinks they're real and wants to draw the CFZ's attention to them. Their seeming desire for anonymity was probably precipitated by their desire not to be labelled Prat of the Week if they turned out to be fakes.
