Saturday, May 15, 2010


As many of you will know, we had a nascent colony of Thorichthys sp. mixteco, a very rare and so-far un-named species of Mexican cichlid. We (and in particular, Oll and Allan Lindsay) had reared them from tiny hatchlings until adulthood, and we had been hoping to breed them this year.

They were probably the only fish of this species on public display anywhere in the UK if not the world, because - as part of our outreach project - we had kept them swimming happily in the show tank in the restaurant at the Farmers Arms, in Woolsery, where they had delighted and interested thousands of people.

Some time during the last twenty-four hours, in what may have been a senseless act of vandalism, it appears that person or persons unknown poured their drinks into the fishtank, killing all but one of them. At the moment I am too upset to comment further. However, comment further I shall certainly do....


  1. It is unfortunately a fact of life, that there are sad bastards around, who take perverted pleasure in destroying things of beauty that bring great pleasure to decent people.

  2. What is the most horrid is the senselessness of the act combined with the amount of damage caused to the entire world's wealth of diversity (from what I understand).

    You have my condolences.
