Tuesday, April 06, 2010


I think it is a civet cat with mange but I am not too sure. However, the one thing it certainly isn't is a yeti. Unless of course you are a reporter for Britain's quality press - the Daily Telegraph, no less.

First the term bunyip, then chupacabra, and now yeti being completely misused, by journalists who should know better. We, by the way, were told that the UK dailys wouldn't want the picture of Phyllis Canion's mounted blue dog because it was stuffed. To misquote
Chumbawamba, "Pictures of mangy animals sell newspapers."

Dale Drinnon put it best: 'Oriental Yeti' is preposterous, besides being a redundant name. Yetis are supposed to be ONLY Oriental. The name was chosen for the news buzz value. I don't even know how it could be proper to call a bald animal a 'Yeti' under any circumstances. You could call it a 'Midget Loch Ness Monster' and it would be about as much of a totally clueless misnomer.

For the record, I would like to stress that although some of the Texas blue dogs are undoubtedly mangy mutts, others most definitely are not....

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps it was named by someone familiar with the Yardley Yeti - a rather unfortunately named critter (a mangy fox, most likely) seen in Bucks County here in PA a few years back.

    I knew this thing was a mangy something, just not what.
