Tuesday, April 06, 2010

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today


On this day in 1891 the legend that was P. T. Barnum died. I could sit here and write a huge article about him and his ‘escapades’ but I think it best I save that for future ‘Crypto-Con’ blogs. Indeed, I’ve touched on Barnum a few times already. For now, to read an overview of Barnum’s life, take a visit to Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P._T._Barnum

And now, the news:

Wildwood hosts Countryfile
Killer whale attacks dolphin in front of tourists in New Zealand
When wombats attack
'Oriental yeti' discovered in China
That's quite a pile of fish

Q: Where do very young fish go every morning? A: Plaice school

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