Wednesday, April 14, 2010

MAX THE CAT 1995-2010 RIP

1995 – 2010
By Harriet Wadham, 10/04/2010

You were there for the first ten years of my life,
Now as beautiful in death as you were alive -
Giving me strength when I was weak,
Giving me joy when I was upset.
Sprightly young cat,
Healthy old cat.
You nudged me with your warm nose;
As sweet as a kitten,
Loving me like I did you.
My fingers combing through your soft silky fur,
Then cuddling you, kissing your pretty head.
You can never be replaced.
I love you.


  1. I am sorry to hear about Max - you obviously loved him very much as is shown in your poem for him.

  2. Sorry to hear about your cat.
    It's always devastating when a pet dies, but even more so with cats and dogs because they're part of your family, my thoughts are with you.
