Sunday, April 04, 2010


'So it's all piffle and baldersash,' wrote Davey Curtis, (we hope) tongue in cheek, as he sent us the following news item....

The Sun have announced (with a typically crappy headline) that `Natural England` have said that "BIG cats like the Beast of Bodmin are NOT prowling Britain's countryside, it was officially declared yesterday."

So who are these people?

Wikipedia: "Natural England is a non-departmental public body of the UK government. It was formed (vested) on 1 October 2006. It is responsible for ensuring that England's natural environment, including its land, flora and fauna, freshwater and marine environments, geology and soils, are protected and improved. It also has a responsibility to help people enjoy, understand and access the natural environment".

The newspaper report continues:

A wallaroo - a kind of kangaroo - was among sightings of other exotic species scoffed at by the investigators.

Goodness me. I vaguely remembered something from my childhood:

There are badgers and bidgers and bodgers,
and a Super-in-tendent's House,
There are masses of goats,
and a Polar,and different kinds of mouse,
And I think there's a sort of a something
which is called a wallaboo
But I gave buns to the elephant
when I went down to the Zoo!

Sadly Christopher Robin was no help, but Wikipedia confirmed that there are indeed three species of Macropus called wallaroos, but I have to say that I have never heard any suggestion that they are living wild in the UK. So, I am at a loss here. Who do I lampoon? The Sun for printing this tripe, or a branch of our increasingly idiotic government for writing it. Amusingly the only bit of sense in the whole piece comes from a CFZ member and is right at the end..

Last night expert Trevor Beer, of Barnstaple, Devon, insisted: "The big cats ARE out there. Natural England are just making fools of themselves."

Right on Trevor!


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