Thursday, March 25, 2010

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1997 39 members of the Heaven’s Gate cult committed mass suicide when the Hale-Bopp comet was at its brightest, believing that by doing so they would be able to transcend this level of existence while the Earth was being ‘recycled.’ The group’s leader told the cult members that there was a UFO travelling behind the comet that would pick up their souls. Each member was found with $5 and three quarters in their pocket, which was thought to be their fare for the UFO. Quite how the members of the group were convinced that the aliens would be satisfied with a fare that works out cheaper than the Woolsery to Barnstaple return bus-fare in currency from a planet was supposedly about to be destroyed, is unknown.

And now, the news:

Gorillas Could Disappear in 15 Years, UN Agency Wa...
DNA identifies new ancient human dubbed 'X-woman'
Fossil finger points to new human species
Meet Digit, the new type of human
Pig power and choosy chimps

What is a pig’s favourite band?

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