Thursday, March 04, 2010

LIZ bids au revoir to the Downses and gets down to business....

The day arrived at last, then: yesterday Jon and Corinna Downes, Devon and cryptozoology's answer to Hart to Hart and Dempsey and Makepeace, left headquarters for sunny Texas. Their mission - which they chose to accept - is to document and investigate the existence of the infamous blue dog. I'm sure we all wish them Godspeed and good luck.

However, there are more pressing concerns back home. Graham phoned me earlier on this evening to discuss our managing of the blog while our glorious leaders are away and I'm afraid we have a very serious problem.

Graham has beer tonight to help him work and I don't! Please send all donations in recyclable aluminium c/o the CFZ address and I'm sure he'll pass them on to me....

Graham's note: yes, indeed. After the blog "proofreading" was done, I put my feet up and had a couple of cans of the somewhat strangely-named Worthington's Creamflow Draft Bitter.

Liz's note: Well, I had chocolate cake, so there....


  1. note to Graham:- only TWO cans dear boy!..age must be catching you up! LOL!

  2. I wouldn't bet my shirt on it.
