Sunday, March 07, 2010


The other day in Sainsbury's I happened to notice a newspaper I'd not seen before, and on the front cover was a large mock photo of a UFO blasting a crop circle into a field, alongside the headline 'TOP SECRET UFO FILES RELEASED.'

Okay, it's not that exciting a find, but I was pretty excited at the time because it was just possible that I could use the story for one of my daily blogs. However, I haven't had a chance to actually read the newspaper until today. Upon closer inspection I learnt that First News is actually an 'award-winning weekly newspaper for kids.' I was gutted.


decided to read it, anyway, and found an absolute wealth of stuff! The ordinary Press for adults might have interesting Fortean stories in it from time to time but this paper had LOADS because kids aren't all that interested in economic policy (though there is a little of that as well).

he UFO article did indeed turn out to be a non-starter: in a nutshell, the Ministry of Defence have released another trenche of reports.

On page three, however, the question was asked in bold red type: 'Do elephants have a secret language?' Apparently scientists have been analysing the noises made by eight elephants in San Diego Zoo. Microphones placed on the pachyderms' bodies picked up low-frequency growls that can't be heard by human beings. The sounds are being compared to the actions elephants were performing at the time of the recordings and the final conclusions have yet to be drawn.

ore from First News tomorrow. Now I'm off to buy a lollipop....

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