Sunday, February 28, 2010


As anyone who has read the blog or watched OTT in the past few weeks will know, Corinna and I are off to Texas on Thursday.

This is unusual as far as expeditions are concerned, because although it is a bona fide expedition, and one which we hope will produce a formidable amount of data, as well as a jolly book showing us having an intrepid time, we are staying with our dear friends and benefactors Naomi and Richie West, and so will have Internet access while we are there.

So both Corinna and I shall be updating both our blogs daily (at least once). Expect stories, pictures and maybe even some film. The whole programme of the blogs will be compiled by Graham at CFZ base camp here in Devon, and Lizzy who will be at home in Lancashire.

There will be an editorial each day from Liz, and a daily update about life at the CFZ sans J+C by Graham. Oll will continue to run Yesterday's News Today, and I will post various bits and bobs from Texas. So I think that things are gonna go relatively smoothly.

Watch this space (and wait for a shite-storm of cock-ups).


  1. Well when the excrement hits the oscillating divice I think ill duck even from over here as far as New Zealand.

    Im sure the team will do just fine, They are very capable people/

    You sir and you dear wife have a safe and enjoyable trip.

  2. Have fun you two and may you have a pleasant journey. Just watch out for those Texan tales of 'giant anaconda' sized rattle snakes. If the folks in Florida claim 15 footers, the Texans will always want things bigger.
