Saturday, February 27, 2010


My life gets weirder. Yesterday evening we were sitting down, having a civilised glass of wine with our friends Jules and Dougie the Cornish ghost hunters when there was a knock on the back door.

It was Mrs Ashby, our one-time housekeeper, and her daughter. They were clutching a big tupperware box containing two bananas.

One one of the bananas was this. "What is it?" they asked. Well, to my eyes it seems like a cocoon of come sort, containing a chestnut brown chrysalis.

However, what or whom will hatch from said chrysalis, I have no ideas. Over to you folks....

1 comment:

  1. Can't give you and ID on this, but have seen similar a couple of years agon also from Bananas. And what emerged was a Burnet type moth, only unlike the British Burnet moth it was black with white spots and a white ring around the abdomen.

    Not mush different to this one

    Shaun Histed-Todd
