Friday, January 22, 2010

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday’s News Today

On this day in 1887 Elva Zona Heaster was found dead in Greenbrier County, West Virginia, USA. Her husband would have got away with her murder were it not for Elva’s ghost allegedly appearing to her mother and telling her who killed her and how. I say allegedly as her mother was against the marriage from the start so it could just have been a fit-up… Either way, though, this case made legal history for a murderer being convicted partially because of the say-so of the victim’s ghost, more info here:
And now, some news:

Monkey Business
Cetaceous stranger washes up in Puget Sound
The explorers' club
Fortean zoologists on snow footprint trail
Thames eel populations crash by 98% in five years, scientists warn
A chupacabra sighting? Mysterious, hairless creature found on golf course
Florida Turtle on its way to Weymouth

Whay-hay (mouth)


  1. The Heaster story is famous here!

  2. I remember reading about it in one of those 'strange unsolved mysteries of the strange and mysterious' style books as a kid and it certainly fascinated me at the time.

    There is another case of post mortem courtroom testimony I sort of half remember where the body of the murder victim was in the court and the prosecutor asked a witness if the murderer was in the courtroom and the body supposedly moved to point at the defendant! I'd love to know if anyone has more details on that one so I can see if it was a fabrication or not!

    Answers on a postcard (or bloogo comment please).

  3. the Heaster story sounds very much like the Red Barn Murder of Suffolk with William Corder, Oll. Check that story out too.
