Monday, January 04, 2010


For the first seven or eight months of the bloggo I used to preface people's blog postings with a brief biography and a photograph. I thought it was a good idea for us to be able to tell you the readership who the people that write for you every day are.

But then, roughly the time that `Muirhead's Mysteries` had been running every day for a month, I began to get emails saying 'we know who these people are, stop telling us already'. So I stopped.

But this morning I got an email:

'Dear Jon,

My wife and I really love reading the bloggo each day, but we are new to all this. Who are these people?? We enjoy Dale's and Richard's posts in particular but would like to know something about them...


So what do I do? It's over to you guys....


  1. GO FOR IT.
    Folks who know the writer should be bright enough to know they can skip the bio., and those who don't know the writer find the bio., rather useful.

  2. Have a page on the main CFZ site with a bio for each contributor, and then simply put a hyperlink through on their name from the bloggo. Those who are wanting to know who's who then can just click the link - everyone else can ignore it.

  3. Place the bio after the posting instead of as a preface. Those who wish to know can then read on.
