Saturday, January 23, 2010


You will probably all have noticed that Jon is - once again - not answering his emails or telephone calls. Basically he has been on the sick list since Friday morning. As he has noted on more than one occasion, diabetes and manic depression are not a particularly nice mix, but they had reached a sort of stalemate for some time. However, a routine change of medication seems to have tipped over the balance and caused both conditions to crash and burn, and Jon has been basically bed-ridden since Friday, only getting up for brief periods.

He will, we are sure, be better soon but please forgive us if our progress is not quite up to scratch for the next few days.


  1. you are in my thoughts. hope things improve soon. *hug* be kind to yourself xx

  2. "a routine change of medication seems to have tipped over the balance, and caused both conditions to crash and burn,"
    Why the hell can doctors not leave things alone. If some meds., seem to be working reasonably well, why change to something else. The number of times recently that I have heard of this happening is frightening. Perhaps it is a cost cutting exercise by the NHS.

    Best wishes to you Jon. I hope your soon back to what in your case passes for normal.

  3. Best wishes from me too.

  4. The Lord bless you (all) and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you. And give you health!

  5. Jon I know how it is with crash and burn with the fybro and arthritis. Im in a similar boat at the moment. Having to darn near crawl everywhere I need to get. Darn was so good for so long too.
    Anyway My dear friend, rest heal and I look foreward to your poasts once again. our thoughts and prayers to sooth and heal are going out to you.

  6. Get well soon, Jon.

    I have known people with both of these conditions, and I couldn't imagine facing both of them at the same time.

    But we're all pulling for you!

  7. Get well soon, Jon! I thought the same thing as Syd: why can't they just leave things alone?

    Maybe there is much more to the story, but either way, you're in our prayers. We love you! Take care.
