Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Some months ago Alan Friswell, the bloke who made the CFZ Feegee Mermaid and also the guy responsible for some of the most elegantly macabre bloggo postings, wrote me an email. He had an idea for a new series for the bloggo. Quite simply he has an enormous collection of macabre, fortean, odd and disturbing magazine and newspaper articles, and he proposed to post them up on the bloggo.

In case you hadn't noticed, this is another one in my intermittent series of: "Why I hate the human race."

I'm not too sure that I actually believe the text because if true, then how on earth did these two escape being locked up for life? We all stand back from the horrors of Auchwitz and all those other camps where Poles, Jews, Russian prisoners of war, gypsies, homosexuals and mentally and physically handicapped people were often horribly experimented on before being gassed to death--if they were lucky--and say with some relief I think: "Wow, that kind of thing could only have happened in Nazi Germany."

1 comment:

  1. I reckon there must be loads of tired, bleary eyed parents out there who would love to keep there brats (or should we be very PC & say) offspring in sound proof cages.
