Thursday, December 03, 2009


I don't want to keep on banging on about how little money we have at the moment because it would be both boring and vulgar. There is nothing worse than someone who voluntarily does something for nothing, like I do the bloggo each day, trying to use emotional blackmail to squeeze cash out of his readers.

However, I think that I should tell you that as part of our economy measures we are downsizing those parts of the CFZ animal collection that are most expensive to maintain during the winter months, and that also, frankly, have little or no relevance to the main body of work that we do.

The two map turtles, and Myrtle the Chinese box turtle who has been with us since 2001, have gone to live with Helen Taylor, CFZ Stalwart, Housekeeper and mum of aspiring film star Emily (of Emily and the Big Cats).

She has more time to make a fuss over them than we do, and is lavishing them with love and affection. She will be bringing them back for CFZ Open Days, so they are still part of the family.

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