Tuesday, December 08, 2009



1 Monster - the A-Z of Zooform Phenomena by Neil Arnold (2)
2 Dr Shuker's Casebook by Dr Karl Shuker (-)
3 The Owlman and Others by Jonathan Downes (6)
4 Extraordinary Animals Revisited by Dr Karl Shuker (2)
5= Big Cats loose in Britain by Marcus Matthews (-)
5= Man Monkey - In Search of the British Bigfoot by Nick Redfern (-)
7= Dragons: More than a Myth? by Richard Freeman (-)
7= Dark Dorset by Mark North and Robert Newland (7)
7= The Mystery animals of Britain: Kent by Neil Arnold (-)
10 The CFZ Yearbook 2009 (1)


1 Big Bird by Ken Gerhard (2)
2 Extraordinary Animals Revisited by Dr Karl Shuker (1)
3 Dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals on stamps by Dr Karl Shuker (-)
4= Monster - the A-Z of Zooform Phenomena by Neil Arnold (4)
4= Man Monkey - In Search of the British Bigfoot by Nick Redfern (4)
6= Dragons: More than a Myth? by Richard Freeman (-)
6= The Mystery animals of Britain: Kent by Neil Arnold (-)
8= The CFZ Yearbook 2009 (-)
8= In the wake of Bernard Heuvelmans by Michael Woodley (5)
8= The Owlman and Others by Jonathan Downes (6)

Last month's positions in this pinky colour, which I think is called cerise.

I don't know whether it is the recession or whether it is the effect that we noticed a few years ago whereby sales plummet in the summer, but although sales have picked up a bit, they are still not anything like we would hope to expect at this time of year. I am afraid this Christmas looks likely to be our bleakest yet.

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