Wednesday, December 30, 2009

JON DOWNES: Yesterday's News Today..

I don't know why I didn't think of this yesterday. As regular readers will know, on the 29th December 2009 our news blog with over 2000 entries was taken down by blogger on suspicion of it being a `spamblog`. Whether this was as a result of malicious intent by persons unknown (well, we know perfectly well who they are, but you know what I mean), or as a result of over zealous spambots, we don't know. However, at the CFZ we like to take inspiration from the best, and so - like London's Windmill Theatre, who presented nude tableaus vivant throughout WW2 - We Never Close!

Here with the temporary News Blog. (With news stories attached)

(I have just emailed Gavin the newseditordude with the URL)

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