Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I always try to get the CFZ bloggo updated and posted out to everyone by noon, and usually I manage it. On several occasions recently I have been running spectacularly late, and I have always written an apologetic posting explaining why. Invariably, there has been some sort of disaster or emergency here at the CFZ, and my bloggo posting comes over as the ongoing chronicles of one little guy (how anyone could describe me as a little guy is beyond me, but you know what I mean) and his family and friends contra mundum (even when I don't mean it to).

However, today's blog postings are late because I overslept, and then we lost the DVLA Car Tax reminder form. We found the form, and I feel refreshed from having had an involuntary lie-in, and when the chips are down it doesn't really matter that the bloggo is two hours late for once.



  1. heh we are in such different time zones that it is always on here when I get on the computer. *grin*

  2. ...and the CFZ News Blog postings are late today because I had to take another underweight hedgehog to Tiggywinkles wildlife hospital. (This is number 3 now).

    I'll get on with them in a minute!

  3. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Indeed not - for one thing a lot of viewers are at work or otherwise out of the house until teatime, and others are in different timezones anyway.
    It's worth the wait :- most other fortean websites only seem to add one or two new items per day, and they're usually grabbed off newspaper sites or somewhere daft like allnewsweb anyway ! Added to which they nearly all take the weekend off.
    I don't think anyone would begrudge you making it easier on yourself, especially as you would still be way ahead of the other sites in industriousness!

  4. Dillar a dollar a ten o'clock scholar
    why must you come so soon.
    You used to come at half past ten, now you come at noon!

    circa 1800?

    Best regards only a month till the days get longer

  5. I think most of us can live with the bloggo being a touch or even a few hours late. I know a few sites that are only updated every few days (or even weeks) and one political site that was last updated in April.
