Wednesday, November 11, 2009

LANETTE BAKER: The Legend and the Names

I was looking through a few sites at paranormal and cryptozoology stuff and was kinda hit by how many 'names' there are for bigfoot, which descriptions do vary depending on the area and habitat, which would be the assumed reason for the variants in size and colouring.

Of course the the US here he is normally called bigfoot, but in Florida he can be referred to as the swamp ape, in Missouri he would go by the name of momo (which is supposed to stand for Missouri monster), and of course we have the Fouke Monster who was in the Fouke, Arkansas area called Boggy Creek and of who the movie was made about (and yes, this is on my camping list; hoping for next summer). Also, the Fouke Monster seems to have been the most aggressive of these creatures, though there are hunters in the northern states who have made claims about aggressive bigfoots.

We have the yowie in Australia, the yeti of the Himalayans, the yeren of China who is also supposed to have cases of albinism, which is interesting in itself. Then you can move onto the orang pendek of Sumatra and the orang mawas of Malaysia. Vietnam is not to be left out; they have the nguoi rung, and then Japan has the hibagon. Then there is the barmanou of Afganistan and Pakistan.

I find it interesting that in some areas the government takes these creatures very seriously and then in some areas people do not want to mention seeing anything because the are scrutinised and made fun of. Another thing I have found out among my friends in the paranormal field is that while many have doubts on Nessie and other lake monsters and several other cryptid creatures, most all believe in bigfoot by any name. When I have asked why I am normally told it is just something they are positive about.

The nguoi rung, hibagon and the barmanou were unknown to me and I hope to find more information upon further research, or if anyone else has some information to share please do so!

I was hoping to write something a bit longer with more information, but half a dozen high school football players have descended upon my home, we are in play-offs for state and that is taking precedence over most everything else.

1 comment:

  1. Thats not even counting all the american Indian names. But not to be forgotten is that some of these names refer to different creatures it seems.
    I prefer the use of Sasquatch, more dignified and attractive I think and has more status.
    Sadly we are on the point of all we have left are these names.
