Monday, November 30, 2009

CFZ DOWN UNDER: Panthers on the prowl

Over on CFZ Australia Mike and Ruby have been very busy. In their latest blog posting they report on the burgeoning number of `panther` sightings down under. Includes video.

1 comment:

  1. I've always blamed US Navy ships for dropping cougars off into the Australian bush as they patrolled the Australian coast during World War II.

    The cats were on board as mascots.

    Of course, dropping just a few cougars off into such a foreign land means that any cougars living in Australia would be heavily inbred. (More so than the cougar subspecies native to Florida called the "Florida panther," which was saved only through the introduction of Texas cougars, which introduced new genes into the population.)

    I can't watch the actual video in my country, but I remember reading about this several years ago.

    It's a possibility. I'm keeping an open mind.
