Thursday, October 08, 2009


Some years ago when Mark North was working full time at the CFZ I used to be a rotten so and so. I would tease him unmercifully by playing unlistenable avant garde music while I worked, in the full knowledge of the fact that it would disorientate him. But there is something irresistible about playing Throbbing Gristle at ear-splitting volume to somebody who would much prefer to be listening to something a good deal more mellow and acoustic.

However, Mark will be glad to know that I have had my commeuppance. As some of you will know, Lizzy C. has been staying at the CFZ this week, and - as always - being rude about my (and I quote) "old hippy music" that I play in the office. And every time I turn my back, the most appaling collection of tunes turns up on spotify. For the first time my poor office hifi has been subjected to Take That, Cher, S Club 7 and - most horribly - dear Liz warbling along (admittedly very tunefully, and with a fair degree of accomplishment) to Kylie bloody Minogue.

Come back Mark. All is forgiven!


  1. Well done, Lizzie.

    Now, if you really want to annoy Jon, there was a pop singer in my youth called Tiny Tim who sang like a castrato. Play that and it should unhinge him altogether. His version of "Tiptoes through the Tulips" can only be described as singular.

  2. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Personally I'd just subject him to the random play on my ipod; a sequence of Enya, Ensiferum, Lawnmower Deth, The Wurzels and Bellowhead should serve to disorientate anyone.

    Given that I'm a biologist with a PhD which I always argue was about sex, drugs and rock'n'roll who works in a department called M I B and who understands the works of such luminaries as Richard Stallman, Larry Wall and Owen le Blanc, it could be argued that I'm already pretty unhinged to start with...

  3. Don't stop there! Give Jon some Perry Como, the Archies, 1910 Fruitgum ompany, Hannah Montana, Ann Murray, Roger Whitaker.....

  4. Blimey! That sounds rather alarming.

  5. Ach, Cher?! That's OK, Lizzie. We're still friends ;)

    I tend to like 80s pop, the techno stuff, which really annoys the musical elite.
